Introduction to Unix Command-line

Part 1

Natalie Elphick

February 10th 2025

Press the ? key for tips on navigating these slides


Natalie Elphick
Bioinformatician I

Reuben Thomas
Associate Core Director

The Unix Command-line

What is Unix?

  • A family of operating systems that date back to 1970s
  • Designed to run on different types of computer hardware
  • macOS and Linux are descendants of Unix
  • Often used in industry and scientific research

What is the Command-line?

  • A text-based interface for interacting with the operating system
  • Execute commands to perform various tasks like:
    • Navigating the file system
    • Editing files
  • Command-line interfaces (CLIs) are how users interacted with computers before graphical interfaces like Windows

Advantages of using CLIs

  • Allows for automation and batch processing of data
  • Provides more control and flexibility over data manipulation
  • Interact with High-Performance Computing clusters (HPCs) like Wynton
  • Speed

The Terminal

  • The software that provides access to the CLI

  • Open your terminal

    • Mac: press Cmd + Space and type “terminal”
    • Linux: press Ctrl+Alt+T
    • Windows: open the Ubuntu app

Download the workshop materials

  • Copy and paste each of these into your terminal, press enter after each one:
mkdir unix_workshop
cd unix_workshop
curl -L -o unix_workshop.tar.gz ''
tar -xzf unix_workshop.tar.gz
cd unix_workshop

The shell

  • A shell is a specific type of CLI that provides access to the OS as a whole
  • There are several different Unix shells
    • Bash : The most widely used and the default shell on most Linux systems
    • Zsh : an extended version of Bash and is now the default on newer versions of macOS

The shell

  • Check which shell you are using by typing:
echo $0
  • We will use bash since it is the most widely used shell
  • If your shell is not set to bash, type chsh -s /bin/bash and press enter


Shell commands are basic instructions used to perform specific tasks.

command_name -[option(s)] [argument(s)]


ls -lah part_1

Here we are providing multiple options to the ls command and the directory part_1 as an argument

  • To cancel a command press CTRL+C

man: pull up the manual page for a command

man echo
ECHO(1)             General Commands Manual            ECHO(1)

     echo – write arguments to the standard output

     echo [-n] [string ...]

     The echo utility writes any specified operands, separated by single blank
     (‘ ’) characters and followed by a newline (‘\n’) character, to the
     standard output.

     The following option is available:

     -n    Do not print the trailing newline character.  This may also be
       achieved by appending ‘\c’ to the end of the string, as is done by
       iBCS2 compatible systems.  Note that this option as well as the
       effect of ‘\c’ are implementation-defined in IEEE Std 1003.1-2001
       (“POSIX.1”) as amended by Cor. 1-2002.  Applications aiming for
       maximum portability are strongly encouraged to use printf(1) to
       suppress the newline character.

     Some shells may provide a builtin echo command which is similar or
     identical to this utility.  Most notably, the builtin echo in sh(1) does
     not accept the -n option.  Consult the builtin(1) manual page.

     The echo utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

     builtin(1), csh(1), printf(1), sh(1)

     The echo utility conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (“POSIX.1”) as amended
     by Cor. 1-2002.

macOS 14.4          April 12, 2003              macOS 14.4

Manual pages

Use the arrow keys to navigate the manual and press q to close it

MAN(1)              General Commands Manual         MAN(1)

     man, apropos, whatis – display online manual documentation pages

     man [-adho] [-t | -w] [-M manpath] [-P pager] [-S mansect]
     [-m arch[:machine]] [-p [eprtv]] [mansect] page ...

     man -f [-d] [-M manpath] [-P pager] [-S mansect] keyword ...
     whatis [-d] [-s mansect] keyword ...

     man -k [-d] [-M manpath] [-P pager] [-S mansect] keyword ...
     apropos [-d] [-s mansect] keyword ...

     The man utility finds and displays online manual documentation pages.  If
     mansect is provided, man restricts the search to the specific section of
     the manual.

     The sections of the manual are:
       1.   General Commands Manual
       2.   System Calls Manual
       3.   Library Functions Manual
       4.   Kernel Interfaces Manual
       5.   File Formats Manual
       6.   Games Manual
       7.   Miscellaneous Information Manual
       8.   System Manager's Manual
       9.   Kernel Developer's Manual

     Options that man understands:

     -M manpath
         Forces a specific colon separated manual path instead of the
         default search path.  See manpath(1).  Overrides the MANPATH
         environment variable.

     -P pager
         Use specified pager.  Defaults to “less -sR” if color support is
         enabled, or “less -s”.  Overrides the MANPAGER environment
         variable, which in turn overrides the PAGER environment variable.

     -S mansect
         Restricts manual sections searched to the specified colon
         delimited list.  Defaults to “1:8:2:3:3lua:n:4:5:6:7:9:l”.
         Overrides the MANSECT environment variable.

     -a      Display all manual pages instead of just the first found for each
         page argument.

     -d      Print extra debugging information.  Repeat for increased
         verbosity.  Does not display the manual page.

     -f      Emulate whatis(1).  Note that only a subset of options will have
         any effect when man is invoked in this mode.  See the below
         description of whatis options for details.

     -h      Display short help message and exit.

     -k      Emulate apropos(1).  Note that only a subset of options will have
         any effect when man is invoked in this mode.  See the below
         description of apropos options for details.

     -m arch[:machine]
         Override the default architecture and machine settings allowing
         lookup of other platform specific manual pages.  This option is
         accepted, but not implemented, on macOS.

     -o      Force use of non-localized manual pages.  See IMPLEMENTATION
         NOTES for how locale specific searches work.  Overrides the
         LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, and LANG environment variables.

     -p [eprtv]
         Use the list of given preprocessors before running nroff(1) or
         troff(1).  Valid preprocessors arguments:

         e       eqn(1)
         p       pic(1)
         r       refer(1)
         t       tbl(1)
         v       vgrind(1)

         Overrides the MANROFFSEQ environment variable.

     -t      Send manual page source through troff(1) allowing transformation
         of the manual pages to other formats.

     -w      Display the location of the manual page instead of the contents
         of the manual page.

     Options that apropos and whatis understand:

     -d      Same as the -d option for man.

     -s      Same as the -S option for man.

     When man is operated in apropos or whatis emulation mode, only a subset
     of its options will be honored.  Specifically, -d, -M, -P, and -S have
     equivalent functionality in the apropos and whatis implementation
     provided.  The MANPATH, MANSECT, and MANPAGER environment variables will
     similarly be honored.

   Locale Specific Searches
     The man utility supports manual pages in different locales.  The search
     behavior is dictated by the first of three environment variables with a
     nonempty string: LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, or LANG.  If set, man will search for
     locale specific manual pages using the following logic:


     For example, if LC_ALL is set to “ja_JP.eucJP”, man will search the
     following paths when considering section 1 manual pages in


   Displaying Specific Manual Files
     The man utility also supports displaying a specific manual page if passed
     a path to the file as long as it contains a ‘/’ character.

     The following environment variables affect the execution of man:

             Used to find locale specific manual pages.  Valid values
             can be found by running the locale(1) command.  See
             IMPLEMENTATION NOTES for details.  Influenced by the -o

             Used to find platform specific manual pages.  If unset,
             the output of “sysctl hw.machine_arch” and “sysctl
             hw.machine” is used respectively.  See IMPLEMENTATION
             NOTES for details.  Corresponds to the -m option.

     MANPATH         The standard search path used by man(1) may be changed by
             specifying a path in the MANPATH environment variable.
             Invalid paths, or paths without manual databases, are
             ignored.  Overridden by -M.  If MANPATH begins with a
             colon, it is appended to the default list; if it ends
             with a colon, it is prepended to the default list; or if
             it contains two adjacent colons, the standard search path
             is inserted between the colons.  If none of these
             conditions are met, it overrides the standard search

     MANROFFSEQ      Used to determine the preprocessors for the manual source
             before running nroff(1) or troff(1).  If unset, defaults
             to tbl(1).  Corresponds to the -p option.

     MANSECT         Restricts manual sections searched to the specified colon
             delimited list.  Corresponds to the -S option.

     MANWIDTH        If set to a numeric value, used as the width manpages
             should be displayed.  Otherwise, if set to a special
             value “tty”, and output is to a terminal, the pages may
             be displayed over the whole width of the screen.

     MANCOLOR        If set, enables color support.

     MANPAGER        Program used to display files.

             If unset, and color support is enabled, “less -sR” is

             If unset, and color support is disabled, then PAGER is
             used.  If that has no value either, “less -s” is used.

         System configuration file.
         Local configuration files.

     The man utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

     Show the manual page for stat(2):

       $ man 2 stat

     Show all manual pages for ‘stat’.

       $ man -a stat

     List manual pages which match the regular expression either in the title
     or in the body:

       $ man -k '\<copy\>.*archive'

     Show the manual page for ls(1) and use cat(1) as pager:

       $ man -P cat ls

     Show the location of the ls(1) manual page:

       $ man -w ls

     apropos(1), intro(1), mandoc(1), manpath(1), whatis(1), intro(2),
     intro(3), intro(3lua), intro(4), intro(5), man.conf(5), intro(6),
     intro(7), mdoc(7), intro(8), intro(9)

macOS 14.4          January 9, 2021             macOS 14.4

echo: print a string or value of a variable

  • Variables : a named container that holds a value or data
  • Strings : sequence of characters
message="Hello, World"
echo $message
Hello, World

Here, we assign the string “Hello, World!” to the variable message and use echo to print its value.

history: list previously run commands

  • You can also cycle through previously run commands using the up and down arrow keys
  • By default bash stores the last 500 commands, zsh stores the last 1000
  • Use the command clear to clear the output from the terminal

The File System

Unix File system


  • Root directory  / 
  • Current working directory  . 
  • Directory above the current one  .. 
  • User home directory  ~ 
  • Absolute: The path starting from root
  • Relative: Path from the current directory

What is the absolute path to file2.txt?

Unix File system

What is the realative path to file1.txt if the working directory is /home/user ?

Unix File system

pwd: print working directory

  • The default working directory when you log in or open a terminal is your user home directory  ~ 

ls: list contents of a directory

ls .
  • -l show more information (file permissions and size)
  • -a show all (hidden files)
  • -h file sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K, 2G)
ls -lah part_1
total 8
drwx---rw-@ 4 nelphick  staff   128B Feb 10 11:16 .
drwxr-xr-x@ 5 nelphick  staff   160B Feb 10 11:16 ..
-rw-r--r--@ 1 nelphick  staff     0B Apr 11  2023 .hidden_file.txt
-rw-r--r--@ 1 nelphick  staff    60B Apr 12  2023 list_numbers.tsv

cd: move to a directory

cd unix_workshop/part_1
ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r--@ 1 nelphick  staff  60 Apr 12  2023 list_numbers.tsv
cd ..
ls -l
total 0
drwx---rw-@ 4 nelphick  staff  128 Feb 10 11:16 part_1
drwxr-xr-x@ 3 nelphick  staff   96 Feb 10 11:16 part_2

Creating and Altering Files

File Permissions

File Permissions

  • Permissions for a file or folder are represented by 10 characters
  • Each group of 3 represents the permissions for different users:
    • Owner of the file/folder
    • Group the owns the file
    • Others - everyone else

File Permissions

File Permissions

  • There are three types of permissions:
    • r - read/view the contents of a file/folder
    • w - write
    • x - execute the file or access a directory

touch: create an empty file

touch new_file.txt
  • If the file exists, it will update the time stamp

mkdir: make a directory

mkdir new_directory
  • -p make parent directories if they don’t exist

mv: move a file or folder

mv new_file.txt new_directory
  • Also used to rename files/folders
mv new_directory/new_file.txt new_directory/new_file1.txt

cp: copy a file or folder

cp new_directory/new_file1.txt new_directory/new_file2.txt
  • -r to copy a folder (recursive)

rm: remove a file permanently

  • This command should always be used with care since the files it is used on cannot be recovered
rm new_directory/new_file2.txt

du: check the size of a file or folder

du -h */*
  0B    new_directory/new_file1.txt
4.0K    part_1/list_numbers.tsv
  • h - Displays the output in human readable format


If you are following along with the commands we have run so far, this is the file structure you should have:

ls *


  • “*” represents any number of characters, including zero characters so this command runs ls on all of the folders

Text editors

  • Command-line text editors provide lots of key board shortcuts to navigate and alter files
  • Some commonly used ones are:
    • Vim : Feature rich, steep learning curve
    • nano : Simple and user friendly


nano new_directory/new_file1.txt


Shortcuts for nano

  • Ctrl + X :  Exit nano
  • Ctrl + O :  Save the file (write Out)
  • Ctrl + W :  Search for a string or regular expression
  • Ctrl + K :  Cut (remove) the current line or selection
  • Ctrl + U :  Uncut (paste) the most recently cut text
  • Ctrl + A :  Move the cursor to the start of the current line
  • Ctrl + E :  Move the cursor to the end of the current line
  • Ctrl + G :  Show the help menu

Installing Software

Package managers

  • Used to install and manage software

  • macOS

    • homebrew - not included with the OS and needs to be installed
  • WSL/Linux

We will not install any software in this workshop but these are how you would access additional software/commands.

Downloading Files

curl: download files from the internet

  • We used curl at the begining download the materials
  • curl supports multiple protocols but the most commonly used one is HTTPS
curl -o part_2/homo_sapiens.refseq.tsv.gz
  • -o gives the output file name and location

Other file transfer tools

  • wget : like curl, supports fewer protocols and is not always installed
  • scp (secure copy) : used to encrypt and transfer files using SSH protocol
    • Commonly used to transfer files on HPCs (Wynton) Example:
scp /path/to/local/file

Searching Files and Combining Commands

grep: searching files with regular expressions

  • Search the contents of the input file and returns the lines that have a match

  • Regular Expressions : sequence of characters that forms a search pattern

grep "7" part_1/list_numbers.tsv
7   8   52  13  6   42  79  1
13  4   9   82  67  71  93  3

grep options

  • -i : ignore case
  • -v : invert match
  • -r : recursively searches in all files and subdirectories of a directory
  • -c : counts the number of matches found in each file

Regular Expressions

  • For a more extensive overview of regular expressions click here
  • Some basic ones are:
    • ” ^ ” Matches the beginning of a line
    • ” . ” Matches any single character except newline
    • ” $ ” Matches the end of a line
grep "3$" part_1/list_numbers.tsv
1   3   6   10  11  22  0   3
13  4   9   82  67  71  93  3

head/tail: view the first or last n lines of a file

head -n 1 part_1/list_numbers.tsv
1   3   6   10  11  22  0   3
tail -n 1 part_1/list_numbers.tsv
13  4   9   82  67  71  93  3
  • The default n is 10
  • Useful for getting a look at the format of a file

cat: print the contents of a file

cat part_1/list_numbers.tsv
1   3   6   10  11  22  0   3
7   8   52  13  6   42  79  1
13  4   9   82  67  71  93  3

cut: get specific columns from a file

cut -f 1-3,6 part_1/list_numbers.tsv
1   3   6   22
7   8   52  42
13  4   9   71
  • -f : fields that should be returned
  • -d : delimiter - character that the columns are separated by

By default cut expects columns to be separated by tab characters.

Combining Commands

  • Pipes “|” connect one command to another
  • The output of the previous command is used as the input for the next one
  • Chaining commands allows you to do complex operations on text streams
grep "3$" part_1/list_numbers.tsv | cut -f 1-3
1   3   6
13  4   9

Output to a file

  • The output of any command can be written to a file with the ” > ” character
grep "3$" part_1/list_numbers.tsv | cut -f 1-3 > part_1/subset_list_numbers.tsv

tr: translate or substitute characters

cat part_1/list_numbers.tsv | tr "\t" "," > part_1/list_numbers.csv
cat part_1/list_numbers.csv


If you followed along with the commands we have run so far, you should have this directory structure:

ls *



sort: sort values

cat part_1/list_numbers.csv | cut -d "," -f 1 | sort -n
  • -n : sort numerically (default is alphabetical)
cat part_1/list_numbers.csv | cut -d "," -f 8 | sort -nu
  • -u : sort and remove duplicates

End of Part 1

Other helpful commands

  • wc : count lines and words
  • chmod : Change the permissions of a file or directory
  • chown : Change the owner of a file or directory
  • df : Display information about disk usage and available space
  • ps : Display information about running processes
  • kill : Stop a running process
  • less : View the contents of a file one page at a time
  • date : prints the date and time
  • curl : check the weather


Additional learning materials

Upcoming Data Science Training Program Workshops

Introduction to RNA-Seq Analysis
February 13-February 14, 2025 1:00-4:00pm PST

Intermediate RNA-Seq Analysis Using R
February 20, 2025 9:00am-12:00pm PST

Introduction to Statistics, Experimental Design and Hypothesis Testing
February 24-February 25, 2025 1:00-3:00pm PST

Complete Schedule